Friday, January 3, 2025


It's been a little over three years since I wrote anything more substantial than a thank-you note. My last post here is seven years beyond that. Now I'm the unlikely visitor happening upon the message in a bottle hurled into the storm by another me. Back then I was a professional writer. A striver, working so hard to get people's attention, desperately hoping that they would like me. Since I quit writing I've had no desire to start again. I picked up a yellow legal pad to jot down a diary as I became an electrician. After a few lines I asked myself why I was doing it. I had no good answers. I put down my pen and haven't picked it up since. Until now. Now I have a reason: I have this insane idea that I'm going to write about my work and that poeple are going to read this and decide they want to do the same work and then I'll hire them and together we will build a business full of people who love electrical work and are excited to thread wires throught buildings. Do people read blogs at all? Do people even read? Is anyone going to read this? Who knows. But for now, joting this down feels all right.


  1. Reading your 'urban nature' book now, chapter on gingkos. Who did the fact checking on the start/end dates of the Cretaceous? Don't hire that person again.
